Remember what Maybelline said about overthrowing inactive dominants, or the dominants that are being covered for other people that haven't been played in a while. What should we do?
Stratus- He's been covered by Kusuma, then she sorta upped and died, and then was covered by Night. Should we adopt him out to Night (Since she's an amazing Rper!) or have him be overthrown?
Teetsie- It wouldn't be fair for me to not put in the meerkats I haven't roleplayed with. I just get too lost with the unneeded drama. Night's been playing her. I really do want to RP Teetsie again, if I don't get so lost.
Bahrag- Not sure on this one. He's been overthrown before, and we do have an obvious replacement for if he does, but let's see what you guys have on this one.
Buckeye- She's fairly well covered, so I'm not that worried.
Keeko- I don't want to be playing Keeko, so he can be adopted out again or overthrown. At this point it looks like Atb will never come back, so maybe he should be overthrown.
I think we're removing Blizzards.
Stormy- She's my first character, and not one I really want to let go of her dominance.
Scary- I'm finding someone to plot with to dethrone him, if Pancake agrees.
Cyan- There's plenty of females to possibly take her dominance away. ask pancake though.
Casper- If Cyan looses dominance, he will too. I'm starting to get bored with him anyways.