I just thought I'd post this for those of you who aren't on Linlurp. This is a list of all the mobs in the roleplay, just ask me if you need descriptions for the ones you don't recognise.
A= Aquas
AB= AnkleBiters
B= Blizzards
BB = Barking Boys
BR= Bloodreds
C= Cobras
CD= Claw Diggers
CH= Chaos
CK = Chickies
CR= Crackers
CV= CorVons
D= Dreamers
DA= Dark Angels
DV= Devils
E= Eagle's Talon
EI= Einsteins
EL= Elements
F= Forests
FL= Flames
FR= Fruitys
FS= Firestripes
G= GoEasys
GR= Grumpys
GY= Graveyards
H= Heathers
HY = Hydras
I= Infernos
J= Jades
JU = Jumaa
K= Kitties
KD= Kennedys
L= Linklus
LG= Legends
LV= Lavas
LW= Leftwichs
M= Misfits
MI= Militia
MG= Mirages
MN= Midnights
N= Norths
O= Outlanders
OR= Oreos
P= Peppers
PL= Pearls
PT = Phantasms
Q= Quartz
R= Relics
RR = Reapers
RB= Rainbow Bridge
RM= Roving Males
RV= Rivers
S= Salmonis
SD= Shadow Deaths
SG = Stargazers
SH= Shades
SI= Shiners
SK= Snakes
SLL= SuperLilyLovers
SS= Sunnysands
ST = Summits
SZ= Sneezles
T= Trinkets
TH= Thousands
TK= Tiny Kats
U= Underlings
UK = Unknowns
UT= Undertakers
V= Villains
W= Weathers
WW= Willows
X= Xiles
Y= Ya-Yas
Z= Zippers
ZL = Zulus