With the great drought in the not so near future, but not far future (lol fail) I'm coming up with my character plans again.
Antebellum- If Eclipse approves, I want her to fall in love with Nemo and have then have a litter with each other, but Antebellum dies shortly after.
Sherri and Skyler- I'm not sure yet on them, but whatever it is, their fates will probably be the same.
Teetsie- I plan to keep her around for another year or so, then I want her to be killed in a battle she stubbornly started.
Latika- I haven't really discussed this with Pancake yet, but I eventually want her to run away to the Shiners on Linklu with Katsumi, if possible.
Agnah- I'm just going to let her grow up a little and see if I start to really like her or not.
Luna- Probably going to kill her off if I ever introduce a new Willows character, which I am considering.
Dominic- I'm starting to get bored with him, but I don't want to give up the Zippers DM spot. Maybe I'll bring in a male and have him overthrow Dominic, not sure.
Willows- Keeping her. I hope she might one day become a dominant female.
Joey- Joey is really starting to make me want to kill him off. I think I'll let him have another litter with Starburst before I do, if I decide to.
Gibbs- Not sure. Don't really have much muse for him.
Stormy- Gonna kill her off in about two RP years, which will make Raine old enough to take over.
Raine- She's going to be the next Reapers DF.
Zola- Since Kusuma is MIA, she'll probably be kicking the bucket soon.
Karlyn- I'm keeping her around. I will probably eventually move her to the Shades, or another mob on Linklu, though.
Casper- Check Phantoms board.
Navy Blu and Sauda- Sauda will take over first after Cyan's demise, but after she has a litter Navy Blu will overthrow her.