Hey there, I'm Kyra. I'm planning on playing in The Reapers mob as a vicious meerkat, yet not overly vicious where Kyra would kill her mob members o.o. Anyways, in real life, I'm nowhere near vicious, I'm actually pretty harmless. I'm also kind and respectful in real life, yup, nowhere near vicious ^^. But somehow, I can do pretty good playing a vicious character in a roleplay. I have had experiences of roleplaying in the past, once in a while I will play them. I'm pretty sure already that I have gone on the inactive list on just 2, or maybe even 3, since I never felt like getting on them. But oh well, trying to keep up with all of my 18 roleplays (or something like that, lol) was just too impossible. So really, I'm thinking about getting inactive on all of my current roleplays, except for 1 that I really like ^^. Even though I have had experience with playing on roleplays in the past, none of them were meerkat roleplays. They were mostly wolf roleplays, some of them were fantasy wolf roleplays, and 2 of them were all-canid roleplays. So, yeah, I'm pretty interested in Desert Warriors so far ^^.