Every character on DW needs to have a bio, including pups. This helps keep a record and generally keeps everything developed and organized.
Here's a very simple character bio that you're welcome to use. Included is every field we generally like to see.
- Code:
[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] insert text
[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] insert text
[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] insert text
[u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] insert text
insert text
insert text
insert text
NAME: The most obvious detail, we don't allow two meerkats with names that are too similar, and the name must be appropriate.
GENDER: Male or female.
AGE: Any character under a year must have an exact age, listed in months, and any additional days old.
RANK: Mostly you'll be joining as subordinates or pups... to join as a dominant, you must either have permission from the staff, unless there are tryouts being held.
DESCRIPTION: While it's perfectly acceptable to say your meerkat is normal looking, it helps to go more into detail. Does your meerkat have any special variations or marks? Eye color? Scars? Maybe they're a little stockier or thinner than normal. As long as it's realistic and within reason we'll allow it. You may also link a drawing if you'd like. Try to remember that every character has both physical strengths and weaknesses.
PERSONALITY: We're not asking for a wall of text, but we like to see well-developed characters nonetheless. Try determining a few traits your character has, their faults and strengths, and writing it out in a paragraph, or listing them as traits... whichever works best for you. And remember that you can edit your bio if they develop over time, it just helps to have something good to start with.
HISTORY: Again, it doesn't need to be terribly long and complex. A unique history shapes your character and determines their mindset when you first bring them in, and can add a lot of depth to the character. If you get stuck, surely some of the other members would love to give you ideas, or take inspiration from real meerkats. It can be simple, and you're welcome to build on it over time, but again... it helps to have something solid in the beginning.