I put the two bios into one.
Name: Black Foot
Age: five years old
Personality: dark, sinister, evil, cold, visious, vengeful, creator of true chaos
History: Black Foot was once a subordinate male in the Black Mambas, he had been born to a subordinate mother who was temporarily evicted, but accepted back in after Black Foot was born. He grew up alongside the dominants' daughter Serenite. She was truely evil, but Black Foot wasn't always like that, Serenite had twisted his mind. Mostly her looks, he was often attracted to her, but anytime that he wanted to spend time with her, she'd make him do a dark and unspeakable act first. She would reward his greatly for it.
He had mated with Serenite once and their first litter included, Dash, Dagger, Die, and Death. Die was the weakest of the litter and Serenite had killed her. Serenite made Black Foot do another dark deed. To kill her father. As it was Serenite's word, Black Foot did it. during the dry season while everything was weak and dying, Serenite had attacked and killed her mother. That resulted in her becoming the new dominant female with Black Foot at her side. Shortly after, Black Foot's mother had another litter including, Ricket, Drake, Paool, and Mickey Mouse. Serenite killed Black Foot's mother and Mickey Mouse, Drake, and Ricket. Making Paool the only survivor of his litter.
As time passed, Black Foot became more imersed in the darkness, and soon became a true dominant male of the Black Mambas. After Serenite died of a cobra bite after about three years on top, Black Foot left to go roving, he hadn't been seen since, until he had made an appearance at the summit mob and mated with the female named Tara.
Name: Thunder Storm
Age: three and a half years old
Personality: sly, sarcastic, flirtatious, has a strong like of ladies and a strong dislike of dominant males
History: Was once a member of the Stargazers mob, he was the cousin of Starlight, Starfire, Starburst, and Stardust. He left early on to start roving and... well... he has't stopped.